Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Cheeks Chased Me From Geneseo

It's kind of hard to be afraid of hurricane named Sandy. 

But all joking aside, there's a hurricane yo. So far it's not that bad here yet - just a light rain and some wind.  The closest body of water I live to is the Hudson River and I feel like I'm far enough away from it (probably like 3 or 4) that I shouldn't be anticipating any flooding. Sometimes my backyard collects enough water to come up to our patio door, but that's easy to deal with.

I was in Geneseo this weekend! I was going to come home today but my parents wanted me to come home yesterday because no one was sure when exactly the storm would hit, or where. I was glad I was able to get away for the weekend. I stayed with Gabby at her Valley View apartment. We ended up watching all of the Paranormal Activity movies (including the one out in theaters right now) and were astonished to find that they actually had a storyline. (4 didn't expand on the plot very satisfactorily, though.)

On Saturday night we all got dressed up in our costumes and went out. I was surrounded by Scrubs characters and some bikers and a blue collar worker. While we were getting ready and pre-gaming, Wenley and I had a butt competition. We ultimately decided that I had a better butt, but Wenley had waayy better quads.

More documentation of the night:

I ended up losing Gabby and kind of roaming lost around town trying to find her for a bit. My phone was dying and I was getting scared that I'd had to spend the night outside in the rain because I didn't know where anyone was, but luckily my friend swept me off my feet and to the Crow's house for the night, what a peach :)

The next morning I had breakfast at the Omega Grill for the first time ever, so now I can check that off my non-existent "Did That In Geneseo" checklist. Uhhh, I don't know, what else happened this weekend? I got some new tongue rings, including one that has a lil smiley face on it:

I guess that's pretty much it. It wasn't a highly eventful trip, but it was supes fun. Oh boy, a fire alarm is howling away now. Is it bad taste to say that I'm excited for the storm to be bad? It's not like I want millions of dollars in property damage or a tree to fall on my house or flooding so bad that thousands of people are temporarily displaced. But I remember Hurricane Floyd, when I was in like 6th grade, and it was freakin' AWESOME. The little road in front my house turned into a mini river, and pieces of the road started to come up so I surfed on them. 

It feels like the world's come to a temporary stand-still. Schools have been closed and not a lot of cars are out. I feel like we're all holding our breaths, waiting for the worst of the storm to come.

I think I'll re-string my uke while I wait for the Frankenstorm~

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