Friday, October 12, 2012

Today I High-Fived Healthiness (after eating Taco Bell, of course)

Alright! For the past few months I've talked a lotta talk, dropping phrases like joining a gym, running, and getting back into exercising. Today I felt guilty enough to do something about it! Guilty why? Guilty because of Taco Bell. I had it last night and this afternoon, om nom nom. I love me some chalupas.

See, it's common knowledge that to be healthy you gotta eat right and exercise. At first I gave up on exercise, after being sick in June.

Me, laughing at the idea of exercising  
while being hooked up to a heart monitor that would 
shock my heart if I went into cardiac arrest.

 Thanks for pulling through, kidneys.

The I'm recovering excuse molded into My body is still too weak, which then turned into Wait I have to watch six more episode of How I Met Your Mother. And it was slightly okay because I had lost weight from being sick anyway, so I could get away with lying around in bed all day. And I was still eating alright!

And then I moved back home, and started eating a ton. And I was still laying around in bed all day. And now I get fast food at least three times a week. I personally blame McDonald's for deciding to have their Monopoly game going again.

So I had given up on exercise and eating well. I reached my "Warning Weight" - the weight at which I told myself, if ever reached, I would start acting healthy again. Except when I reached it, I shrugged and went back to bed to watch Netflix.

So now that I've surpassed my warning weight, I'm like, alright. Listen up, body. If I'm going to eat fast food three times a week, then I gotta exercise at least as much. So today after getting Taco Bell and delivering my first babysitting paycheck to da bank (cha-chinnnng) I went to Bowline Lake Park Thing (yeah, I'm not really sure what it's actually called) and walked for a while. [Edit: It's totally called Peck's Pond and I'm an idiot because I've known that my whole life.]

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the park's gotten a lot nicer and workout-friendly since I was last there years ago. There are now 10 different workout stations set up around the lake's path so you can walk around the lake and work out a little bit as well. And they have this little off-path section that actually has outdoor exercise equipment (like a rowing machine, leg press, shoulder thing, and spine-alignment-twisty-thing). So now I don't even have to join a gym, I can just go to the park :)

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