Friday, October 12, 2012

The Huntington Saga Continues

OH also, I found out what happened with Huntington Learning Center. The dude who was hiring me, Mike? Yeah. Douchebag. He suddenly up and left the company, and didn't feel the need to tell any other employees about me; didn't feel the need to tell me he was peacing out. Dick move.

I found out 'cause my mom works with this Jeanette person (lovely lady) who also works at Huntington. So Jeanette reminded the Huntington people that I'm still looking for employment. I got a nice call from a Daniella today, apologizing for what happened with Mike. She's gonna call my references, grade the ACT I took (except I thought Mike did that already, but I guess he was just trying to be the most unhelpful person in the world before he left the company), and get back to me by Tuesday. So I might yet become a tutor!

Meanwhile, babysitting is going swimmingly, and I've got both my costumes just about done for Halloween. If Huntington ends up not giving me a lot of hours, I'm gonna see if I can work part-time at Victoria's Secret with Charmander. Whoa man, three jobs? Don't remind me. I don't think I've been this productive since junior year of Geneseo.

Edit - The application for the JET Programme also (finally) came out, so I'm working on getting that done, too!

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