Thursday, October 4, 2012

Life - er, Job Update

Since I've been home I've suddenly and mysteriously begun sleeping like a normal person. It literally happened overnight. This is revolutionary because for my entire life I've been a night owl, and the thought of sleeping before midnight just felt wrong. But now, I fall asleep sometimes as early as 11:30pm - and I've been waking up around 9ish, as opposed to any time between 12 and 4pm. Is life? Experiencing mornings instead of sleeping through them? Weird.

Fall is coming er, here! This means tea and boots and apples and pumpkins and acorn squash and sweaters and pretty leaves and further feelings of doom when I think of the future. So that's fun.

I hate writing these kinds of posts because they're so boring. I get caught up between thinking "No one wants to read about this" and "They'll take what I give them, it's my blog." I should mostly just apologize to my (sole?) reader, Brendan, for making boring posts...they can't all be about playing Batman, I guess.

[Edit: HI ANGELA!] 

Okay, but really, I'll give some life updates. [Edit: Heh, I started writing this post a week ago and am only now picking it up again....] [Edit again: it's not so much a 'life' update as it is a 'job' update, you're gonna have to deal with that.]

I'm pretty fed up with Huntington Learning Center. At the beginning of the month I went through the hiring process and passed with flying colors and all that jazz. I thought I'd be traveling to Colorado so I told them of my expected travel dates, and that they should call me in for training towards the end of the month; they were cool with that. Then my trip got cancelled (read: crashed and burned, with my parents holding the blowtorch). I called to let Huntington know that I could come in at any time for training...but the dude, Mike, that I'm trying to coordinate things with, wasn't in. I left a message for him but Arceus knows if he ever got it. In the past three weeks since then, I've called and left numerous messages for Mike to get into contact with me, but to no avail. I haven't heard a word from anyone at Huntington for over three weeks, so screw them.

I kind of have another job now, anyway. My aunt recommended me to one of her friends and now on Tuesdays and Thursdays I babysit for her twin sons :) It's kind of the best. I get to their house around 2:30, meet them when they get off the bus, help them do their homework, drive them to tae kwon do, make them dinner, then make sure they get into bed. I also do some other simple chores around the house like feeding the pet lizards, taking out the recycling, and prepping morning protein shakes. Today I got to pet one of the little lizards :D

The only negative thing I can say about this job know that horror story about the babysitter who gets threatening calls from a serial killer? This family lives in the kind of house that I'd get murdered in. Don't get me wrong, it's a really nice house. But it's got a ton of large windows and decks and twists and turns and it's in the woods and oh my god I'm going to be killed one of these days while the twins are upstairs sleeping...!

So like I was saying, it's a really nice house, and the family is very well off. How well off, you ask? This family is so rich that the twins own their own Macbooks and Beats by Dre headphones. This family is so rich that the drawers and cupboards in their kitchen are automatic. This family is so rich that they leave the lights on when they leave the house. This family is so rich that I once joked about crashing my car and one of the twins didn't understand why I wouldn't just buy a new one. This family is so rich that I can't even relate to them on some levels. Example: I was talking to the mother today about her husband working in NYC. I asked if he drove in or took the train; she answered that he drove. I said he was brave for driving in the city, because city driving makes me terribly nervous. Her response: "Oh, he has a driver." WELL THEN. (The driver is also an ex-NYPD officer fjdksalfja;)

Haha all that aside, though, it's a pretty sweet job. I'm still looking for another one, though progress is at 0% on that. I've started looking on new job posting sites like and USAJobs, but my search is a fruitless and frustrating as ever (mostly because of my own hesitations and indecision though).  I actually got so frustrated/stressed about my lack of job options (and about my lack of sleep) the other night that I almost applied to the Peace Corps at 5am. I'm also frustrated that the JET application was supposed to come out last month and it hasn't yet, boo. I wanna teach English in Japan, dammit!

So my Job Hunt Progress is either at 100%, if you count the fact that I'm babysitting twice a week (technically I'm employed!),  or 50%, if you count the fact that I'm only babysitting twice a week and am still looking for further employment. 

I think that's where I'll wrap this post up, as it's getting rather lengthy. Tune in next time to hear about my family weekend and Bannerman Castle~!

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