Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Post Awkwardness

Woah, this website's undergone a few layout changes since I was last blogging on it. So many fun new things to play with!

So, obviously, I've made the decision to start blogging again. If you care about my reasons to do so, know that they are very simple. I find it hard to stay in touch with people and often forget to tell people what is going on in my life, so I use it as a way to keep in touch with family and friends. I also sometimes use it as a place to clear my head; writing things out makes them make sense, for some reason.

I like my blogs to have themes (kind of). My first one was about life as a college senior; my second was about my experiences in Colorado. This one is...about me starting the rest of my life. It's scary to do that alone, so I'll be taking any and all of you readers with me. Thanks, for that. And thanks for not completely judging the blog's stupid title, I came up with it on the spot.

Updates to come on moving out of Geneseo - for now I have to, you know, move out of Geneseo.

And hey, take this Sufjan Stevens song. I'm listening to his Illinoise album as I putter about my packing - thanks for the suggestion, Billy :)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

...Okay, that didn't work, so I posted it as an entry after this one. Herp derp, what is the internet?

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