Thursday, August 30, 2012

The 9 Nanas

"Somewhere in West Tennessee, not far from Graceland, nine women -- or "The 9 Nanas," as they prefer to be called -- gather in the darkness of night. At 4am they begin their daily routine -- a ritual that no one, not even their husbands, knew about for 30 years. They have one mission and one mission only: to create happiness. And it all begins with baked goods. ... 'We wanted to help as much as we could,' Mary Ellen said, 'without taking away from our own families, so we became coupon clippers. And we’d use green stamps. Remember those?'"
- "It Ain't Over: The Business 9 Women Kept A Secret For Three Decades"

One of those "restore-your-faith-in-humanity" articles :)

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