Thursday, August 23, 2012


I came home Tuesday night a very quiet reception. I eagerly pulled out my laptop, excited to finally have ready internet access. But it didn't work :( Turns out, my mom broke the internet. I had to wait A WHOLE 'NOTHER DAY and I couldn't even Skype T Rex like we had planned, boo. We finally got it up and running the next day, though (and T Rex and I shared a phone call instead) so all is good.

Being home after living in's like being in a different time zone. A time zone in which I actually get sleep like a normal person...? Very strange. I don't hate it, though.

What I do hate is unpacking, meh. It took me two days just to get things out of my car. Now I have to go through everything, throw/give away things I don't use anymore, and reorganize.

Add this to the Yay Factor, though: I switched out my old twin-sized bed for my new double-sized memory foam mattress :D

I almost joined a gym today. I got a tour through their very nice facilities (pool, sauna, new machinery, cycling/pilates/yoga classes...!) and then heard that it was $60/month, plus a $78 startup fee. Yeah, so maybe when I win the lottery I'll add joining that gym to the list of things I'll spend my fortune on (after buying a house for my parents, paying off mine/my sisters' student debt, and various other things).

I got the idea to remodel one of the bathrooms while I'm living here, so maybe that will actually come to fruition one day? Don't say I never warned you. What color should I paint it?

I still can't believe it's 12:45AM and I'm tired.

This blog is going to be boring for a whiiiiiiile. Maybe I'll make it part of all blog entries to include how I'm doing on looking for a job, you know, to spice things up a bit.

Job hunt progress: 1% (or rather -1%?)
I looked into substitute teaching (well, my mom did, as she was doing other school/TA-related errands) and it looks like a dead end. The district is more into firing than hiring right now, and even substitute teaching has been affected by that. Because there's no hiring going on, prospective teachers have turned to being substitutes. Now the substitute list is so long that I have little to no chance of being called if I add my name to it :/

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