Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Moving out, etc.

I survived my haunted shift - BARELY.

Just kidding, nothing exciting happened. The other day, I did accidentally lock myself out of the house I was working at, though: I was taking out the trash and the door locked behind me. Luckily I was only out for half an hour, and nothing important had to get done at the time, so I didn't get in trouble or anything.

Now it's my day off! Later this evening I'm going to go mini-golfing with Gabby and Wenley, but for now I'm sipping a Pauper Jack and leeching Internet from Muddy Waters Cafe in Geneseo (much to the chagrin of my mother :P).

Though I have officially moved out of Geneseo, I still find myself in the town quite often. My dilemma was that I had to move out of my apartment by the 10th, but I have work scheduled until the 20th. Luckily I have a friend living in Mt. Morris (the next town over), and he has graciously let me crash in his apartment until the 20th. The only downside is that he doesn't have the Internet. If you know me, you know that this causes me GREAT suffering. I have since turned to lurking in various cafes and Wegman stores, in order to leech off their free wifi.

There's not much to say about the moving process. It took two days and exhausted me because I also had to work, so I didn't get more than five hours sleep in each day.

I have mixed feelings about leaving Geneseo. Part of me is sad because, I don't know, I really like Geneseo. It's such a nice, safe, pretty town. I've lived here for going on five years now and made a lot of memories that I'm reluctant to leave behind. Part of me is relieved and ready to go, though. I feel like I've gained everything I'm going to get from living here already...and I don't want to be that one person who graduates but never leaves, heh. It's also been a rather lonely and stagnant summer due to my awkward work hours, so I'm happy to go back home where I know more people and don't have to pay rent for a crappy apartment.

Since my Internet access is limited, I've had to turn to watching movies and reading classic literature to fill my off-duty hours. I finished King Solomon's Mines the other day (Allan Quatermain, what a character) and have just started Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. I also caught up on my Batman movies, thanks to Gabby.

Fun fact: Mt. Morris is the birthplace of Francis Bellamy, who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892.

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