Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Haunted Shift

The house I'm working in right now is haunted.

According to bits of gossip I've picked up from various coworkers, a woman named Gene (Jean?) used to live in a room on the second floor. One day she passed away in that room. She was mourned and cremated, her ashes spread in the backyard.

Now her spirit haunts the second and third floor.

Multiple workers have reported hearing footsteps in the upper floors when no one else was supposed to be in the house. Walk out of the clean, orderly office, and you will sometimes return to filing cabinets and drawers opened, papers strewn about. I myself sometimes hear the sound of the backdoor opening at all hours of the night, when I know no one is going either in or out.

One particularly talkative coworker told me that she believes Gene can detect whether or not a person is suited for this line of work; if they do a poor job, her spirit targets them.

Maybe she was just trying to scare me into not slacking off during my shift. But Jean's picture hangs in the living room. In fact, it's staring at me right now....

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