Sunday, August 19, 2012

Things that make my heart pull

  • Having a resident ask when I'll be back and confessing that it's actually my last shift at this house
  • Telling residents that I'm leaving, in general
  • Explaining why (in the best way I can, because there's no one solid reason that I'm leaving)
  • Some of them telling me there are houses and apartments for sale in the area that they are sure I'll like living in very much
  • Some of them not understanding that I'm not coming back, or asking multiple times for me to stop joking about leaving
  • Telling coworkers like Cailyn, Brenda, and Susan that we've just had our last shift together

I've genuinely enjoyed working here. There hasn't been a resident that I haven't liked, and I've gotten along with most of my coworkers splendidly. Tomorrow is my last shift, and I will be sad when I walk out of the Second St. house's door for the final time. 

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