Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Leaf Puns

I've been putting off calling Time Warner to cancel the Internet at my old Geneseo apartment, but I just called today and found out that it's already mysteriously been canceled and I don't even have to pay one last bill! Thanks, universe. 

Living at home is...a roller coaster ride. I was sad and depressed and frustrated for a couple days, but now things have calmed over and I'm feeling more like myself. 

I've finally started to unpack...yeah. Mostly I've been unpacking, reading, Internetting, and running small errands. Oh, last night I saw The Odd Life of Timothy Green with my mom. I think I would have liked it better if I was actually a parent. I mostly just kept making leaf puns with my mom hehe. 

My last LWARC paycheck comes in on Friday, and I'm hoping to use that money to finally buy a plane ticket out to Colorado, to visit Shadowcliff and T-Rex :)

Job Hunt Progress: 15%
I picked up applications to work at A. C. Moore (a crafting store) and a local hotel (*knock knock* Housekeeping!) but have yet to hand them in, because I'm waiting to hear back from...
Huntington Learning Center. My mother and I were driving past it the other day and decided to stop in to see if they were hiring. I sent in an application and will (hopefully soon) be called in for an interview.  I hope I can get a tutoring position with them, and I can use it as a stepping stone to teaching English in Japan.

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